Salaam Kashmir Review
There is simply one mission on your mind as you watch Joshi's latest offing 'Salaam Kashmir', and that without doubt is ...
There is simply one mission on your mind as you watch Joshi's latest offing 'Salaam Kashmir', and that without doubt is 'Mission Flee for Your Life'.
It would require much more hard work that must have taken to write this crap load of a screenplay to ascertain how on earth a director like Joshi could cook up a mission as this. The feelings in your mind aren't mixed; you feel like banging your head against a wall and scream aloud asking yourself why you hadn't stayed back home and watched that seven o clock sitcom instead.
So the film, is about this homely guy called Sreekumar (Jayaram) who has been playing the perfect house hubby for long. His wife Suja (Mia George) is the bread winner and the couple has a lovely daughter as well. It's into this heavenly abode that drops in Major Tomichan (Suresh Gpi) in true missile style, and 'Mission Kashmir' goes bang - bang in yet another direction.
Do not even expect half the noise that you will find in this review in the film, since the first half of 'Salaam Kashmir' is wimpy , and by wimpy I mean infinitesimally wimpy. It stacks up those sentiments that you wouldn't want to be caught even dead with, and makes you wriggle in your seats at sheer embarrassment.
And it's here that the half time signal comes up and you hope that at least the popcorn doesn't fail you. Thankfully it doesn't.
The latter half has a few surprises in store for you, and these are very nasty ones, believe me. For one, it looks and feels like we have started watching another movie altogether - one about gadgets and gizmos and stuff - and you finally realize why this film has been named 'Mission Kashmir' and what an outlandish decision that one was.
Kashmir finally makes an appearance, just as you give up your last bit of hope, and convince yourself that these guys must have been pulling a fast one on you. The magically beautiful land still manages to take your breath away, and remains the only redeeming feature in this otherwise abominable film.
When its actors like Jayaram and Suresh Gopi that you are talking about, it goes without saying that they are really good at what they do. But there is nothing spectacular to be achieved here, and the two men breeze through their roles, while Mia looks pretty as a peach pie.
There is no techno-wizardry on display either, while the musical score does not come up with any wonder. Sometimes when things go wrong, it seems like the whole world is on a war against you, and sees to it that everything ends up in shambles.
What is most disheartening is that this film comes from a director who had given us such military gems as 'Nair Saab' years back. And in 2013, Joshi comes up with 'Salaam Kashmir', that at best might make you want to rent a 'Nair Saab' DVD yet again.